Engineering Recruitment – Market Commentary – October 2023

Welcome to this quarter’s market commentary where we continue to share some statistics on engineering salary ranges across a variety of roles in 4 states. We trust that this may be of interest both to Engineers who are considering changing positions, but also to employers who are in the predicament of trying to retain staff in a hot environment where talent is short and cost of living pressures are creating headaches. Also below is an interesting graphic showing trends for specific engineering roles over the last 3 months, compared to the same period last year.  
Whilst there is a lack of quality talent available, the number of vacant and advertised jobs is also declining. However salaries continue to grow as companies compete for quality. We do currently see an increase in contractor opportunities that gives companies more flexibility in regards to delivering projects or maintaining customer schedules. If you would like to consider a contract or seeking a new contractor rather than a permanent position, please reach out. 
For candidates willing to change roles, it is more than just remuneration they are taking into account. The culture of the new workplace, hybrid working conditions on offer and well defined learning and development pathways are all factors nowadays. It remains a candidate driven market and we often see higher $ offers being rejected for those other companies that are perceived to have stronger culture and better working conditions.
Soft skills continue to be vital for prospective employers. Securing your next job is not all about your technical proficiency, so to candidates, please always remember about this part of your profile. 
We are very positive about the future prospects of the sectors we operate in i.e. manufacturing, product design, building services and technology. We are also becoming far more active in the renewables industry including recycling, electric vehicles and EV infrastructure. Demand from the defence and resources sectors remains high.
Engineering Stats (2)

SEEK Engineering Report Job Ad Growth 2023.pdf

To find out more about our Engineering Recruitment Services, you can click here

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